Rock n' Raz epsiode 15 has been started on
It's not very complex this time, so it should be a rather quick thing to put together. I really want to have it done by next sunday. We'll see if I can manage that! It'll be a challenge.

My production this week has been slowed down drastically, however, due to some re-occuring pain in my upper back of he jaw. Feels like it would be some tooth ache related thing, but the dentist said there wasn't any problem... But it's back and worse than ever, so I don't know what to believe. I'll have to endure and hope it goes away eventually.
I wanted to get a commission out, but... Kinda hard to stay focused like this.
2021-06-06 17:39:26
Comments (5)
2021-06-12 04:16:43
Is it like a stabbing or piercing shock. Funny enough you might of bruised your nerves in your teeth/jaw by grinding your teeth. I can say its not fun.
2021-06-09 05:33:40
It might actually be an ear problem. Sometimes the wires get crossed and you end up feeling the pain in the wrong place. I spent months with really bad pain in my ears only to find out it was my upper wisdom teeth. As soon as they were gone the ear pain stopped.
Bam ham
2021-06-07 13:55:12
I had an acute sinus problem that made my upper teeth/Jaw on the right side of my face. I hurt super fucking bad. ATLEAST thats what my dentist said. Hope you get some relief fast sir.
2021-06-07 07:44:39
You're grinding your teeth or clenching at night. Thats what it is. I got the same issue when I'm stressed and can't get decent sleep.
2021-06-06 18:27:42
Get well soon dood.