Comment #22016
Adult Animations
2021-09-27 00:09:49
something I'd like to see is Damage Over Time. something to show that what is happening to them is actually happening. Voice lines are hard I'm sure but having the Girls slow down and stop resisting would be nice. after 100 times I'm sure they would get tired. That would also have to include someway to "reset" them too. I'm not too sure how you feel about physical Violence, so that might be out of the question but I'm sure there is something. It's just really quick to hear the same voice lines if you plan to have people repeat the same action 50-100 times to see everything in these games. Also just want to state that I have been following your work for years now and have really enjoyed watching Zu and Friends grow over the years.
Rock Candy2201922016
Adult Animations
2021-09-27 05:40:11
I've been working on this and it will show in the next update. More customization, more variation in voicelines, some changes in animation, randomization, stuff like that. Fun stuff. Glad to hear you like what I'm doing here, too!