And I'm at the point where I've pretty much finished all the animations in the flash! Now all the scripty stuff starts!
Getting ahold of SFX and voices starts now as well!

I still don't want to give away much, so there's not much to say...
Since I've worked on the flash most of the week, I don't have much to say in general!

I did finish another sketch, though!
Gotta get them spooky art ideas out when you're doing October stuff!

Hm. I really can't think of much else.
The reason today's update is late is because I stayed up entertaining Raz while he waited for his night train to the airport. He's going to Japan for two weeks and a little more.
That's all... I think.
Yeah, that's it.
I'll say, the flash I'm doing is a bit gimmicky, though.
Good night to ya!
Posted 18th of October 2015 - 20:15 by
Happy Halloween :)
More pics of the hallowen rape girl.